Things I Tried Last Month: Personal Care

Every month i'm sent a ton of different products from different brands and i've been trying to figure out the best way to share my thoughts on the stuff I receive. Welcome to "Things I Tried Last Month", in the first of this series i'm going to tell you about some grooming products I received from my friends at Philips

Sonicare DiamondClean Toothbrush


I've been in the market for an electric toothbrush for awhile. During my most recent visit to the dentist I was told that my gums have receded a bit since I had dental work in my teenage years. Now I have four veneers on my front four teeth and I guess I have been brushing harder than I should have which has resulted in some gum loss. I was recommended to pick up an electric toothbrush so I've been on the lookout. The Sonicare DiamondClean is the best looking tooth brush i've ever seen. I picked the black version which comes with a glass cup charging station and three different heads to give you a customized clean. Honestly my teeth have never felt cleaner after using this beautiful piece of oral engineering. If you're in the market for a new toothbrush I'd highly recommend that you check this one out. 



Now i'm turning 30 in about a month so i've been shaving for over 15 years. I've used a ton of products whether electric or not, nothing really surprises me anymore, until I used the OneBlade. The strange looking tool will cut any length of hair without any shaving cream or other product. It's excellent for edging and has a stubble guard if you don't want to go all the way down to the grain. The best part is that it's only $45! Each blade also lasts four months, definitely a must have for any guy with facial hair.

Beardtrimmer Series 5000


I almost never go completely clean shaven. I prefer the look of a little bit of stubble but it's gotta be the perfect length for me. I used to shave a couple days before I new I had an event so that i'd have that perfect length of stubble. The Beardtrimmer Series 5000 gives you precision settings down to 0.2mm, giving you the ability to trim your beard to your perfect length. The only thing the beardtrimmer isn't great for is edging and that's what I use the Oneblade for. Usually I'll trim my beard to the perfect length and then use the one blade for my neck and to trim up my cheeks and sideburns.